After School Activities
Between 15:00 and 17:00, ISB offers many after school activities. The intention is provide a wide array of opportunities for our students so that there is a balance between athletic, linguistic, creative and technical activities. At the end of August, a list of clubs and activities, that can be opened given sufficient interest, is made available to families. During the first week of school, ISB holds a Club Fair in order for the students and families to learn more details about individual activities. Those activities for which there is sufficient interest will begin to operate during the second week of school.
All after school activities are paid services. The fees for each activity will be announced along with the club itself. The fees for the activities vary.
If students wish to try out activity before registering, this is possible. Parents/legal guardians are asked to contact the ASA Coordinator to arrange the trial day so that the teacher will be informed. If, after trying the activity, they wish to register, this must also be communicated to the ASA Coordinator.
After School Club
Between 15:00 and 17:00, ISB also offers a general After School Club.